HIIT, also known as high-intensity interval training, is one of my favorite workouts. Last summer, I broke my foot and was unable to run. As a runner, this is one of the hardest things to hear and have to face. Instead of dwelling over it, I began increasing the intensity of my training by doing workouts that would help keep my cardiovascular system fit for when I was able to run again. I did not know at the time that I was actually doing HIIT workouts, they were just workouts I personally found fun and produced good results. The elliptical became my best friend that summer and I continue to do those type of workouts on it when I need rest days from running right now. Ellipticals vary so the resistance and incline you are able to change throughout the workout is dependent on the machine you are using. The best advice is find what works for you. I tend to not go into a workout with a predetermined outline, I see how my body feels once I warm up and I go from there. Here is a pretty standard workout that I actually did today. I do not really focus on the strides per a minute other than trying to stay pretty consistent throughout the duration. I am always all over the place with the resistance and incline because I personally like how it confuses my body on what is coming next.

Warm up: 0:00-10:00 minutes resistance 4 incline 4


10:00-11:00 resistance 6 incline 7

11:00-12:00 resistance 10 incline 7

12:00-13:00 resistance 6 incline 7

13:00-14:00 resistance 8 incline 9

14:00-15:00 resistance 6 incline 7

15:00-16:00 resistance 10 incline 10

16:00-17:00 resistance 6 incline 7

17:00-18:00 resistance 9 incline 12

18:00-19:00 resistance 6 incline 7

19:00-20:00 resistance 10 incline 15

20:00-21:00 resistance 5 incline 9

21:00-23:00 resistance 10 incline 3

23:00-24:00 resistance 6 incline 3

24:00-26:00 resistance 8 incline 9

26:00-27:00 resistance 6 incline 7

27:00-29:00 resistance 10 incline 12

29:00-30:00 resistance 6 incline 5

cooldown: 30:00-40:00 resistance 4 incline 3



A common misconception is that nutritional supplements will “make you skinny” or “get you into shape.” However, hard work, dedication, eating well, and exercise are essential for any results- there is no magical pill to give you a dream body. Pairing this devoted work ethic with supplements can help you achieve better results. The problem is finding what works for you. For example, my boyfriend, Vince, has a very high caffeine tolerance; therefore, he takes two scoops of his preworkout. I can only take half of a scoop of the very same preworkout supplement, taking more than that causes me to get overly jittery and not feel well. It’s a process of trial and error to find what is best for you. One of my favorite things about my relationship is the share of love for working out and fitness. Vince knows supplements inside and out, and is always willing to give advice on the products he likes and dislikes, and what he would recommend based upon what is trying to be achieved. Check out his blog for reviews on different supplements, sample lifting programs, and any questions you may have at: http://leanliftcollege.wordpress.com/